We address many benefits of appealing, as well as the fears associated to fighting your property taxes. Such as, being caught with a FINISHED BASEMENT. Basements are NEVER included, even when they're FINISHED! Showing UNFINISHED basement on record keeps you quiet, it's one of many county tricks. Never pay a percentage to fight your Cook County property taxes! The competition takes 33-50% of Reductions and Refunds, our clients NEVER pay a percentage and claim 100% of any property tax refunds!
We talk to many seniors and ask if their getting their senior exemptions? Plural. They quickly say "No, I make too much". There is not one, but two senior exemptions. Only the Senior Freeze has a maximum household income. It was recently raised to $65,000 so more people qualify. The 2nd, for anyone 65 or older, living in the house. You will likely get 3 years of refunds if you were unaware. Our competitors take 33-50% of refunds. Our clients keep 100% of Cook County property tax refunds!
Information is power. We like to share information but we can't make you listen. With thousands of client's the process appears to work much smoother for those who listen. Just like any big family, some don't listen. Many people enroll in hopes of lowering the taxes. Normally, that's our job. Unless your are signing up in the REASSESSMENT year. That year we soften the increase. This video was made for those who think they didn't save but actually did. Our clients prefer we talk to them like fam.
Every 3 years the Cook County Assessor gets to roll out new values on your tax bill that stick for 3 years unless you start fighting. When do they hit? Never on the same day every year. The whole system is setup to GET and KEEP your money. We help you keep it in your bank, not theirs. The video explains why property taxes go up each and every year, even thought the value is the same for three. Even Seniors on the Freeze have to deal these three items that change every year on your tax bill.
True Story.
Angleo: Hi I noticed appeal history goes missing on your website here and there.
Assessor Rep : Ok we'll tell John when he gets in.
Angelo: John doesn't have a team member who can look into it?
Assessor Rep: Nope. It's just John.
Angelo: It's just John on the day shift?
Assessor: There is only a day shift.
Moral of story, records are horrible. It's why we're here and why you should be appealing.
Don't worry, they took care of me for a week and did a customer outreach campaign that got me back to my rightful owner, a nine year old girl about a mile away, Must have been some good catnip. What does this have to do with your property taxes. Nothing, signed Zero Fux. Start with a FREE EVALUATION and you can get one at the bottom of our HOME page.
The county has been screwing me for years and I am sick of it. I want to start FIGHTING.
Farlap & Associates
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