"Angelo, I put a directive in my Living Will. If my kids do not use your services, they won't get my properties" - Valerie M.
We have a 98% retention rate, Valerie is now in the other 2% and up there with mom. Her kids are all using our service. Our GET WISER & HAPPY CLIENT VIDEOS is a good place to start.
A little over 11 years ago, I took an instan80% Revenue Loss when I voided over 1,500 contracts in the middle of the night, a moment I now refer to as my Jerry Maguire moment. In the same email I told all customers that they would never pay us a percentage again. Instead, I was moving them to our new fee structure, a low, flat fee. The rest is history. Oh, and almost immediately an investigation was launched on us for the illegal practice of law. Per industry's retribution an this video is mine.
When will I see the savings? It's one of our most commonly asked questions and that's probably because most are trying to figure out if they can afford to hang until then. That question and many more answered on our FAQ's page HERE! You can spend an half day on our website educating yourself and all owners should. Information is power and the best decision, is an informed decision. Appealing your property taxes is a fight, you will WIN some and LOSE some. That's because one of the two appeal agencies each year is great and the other one sucks! Nevertheless, even the sucky one does its job the right way some days and grants proper relief. The key is to swing as often as you can at both! The whole tax system is designed to tire you and take your money. We'll help you keep it in your bank instead of theirs!
Our YouTube Channel has plenty of great things. Our most popular video "Dirty Little Secrets of your Property Tax Lawyer" (now pinned to the top of this page) is also one of our most enlightening videos for those who have shelled out tons of cash to lawyers for property tax relief in the past. The best thing you could do now is SHARE it! The channel also address concerns and questions homeowners have about fighting their property taxes. Such as Description Errors like UNFINISHED BASEMENT (when they have a finished basement). They think they are getting the basement for free so they STAY QUIET. What they don't know is that BASEMENTS (even when furnished are NEVER included in square footage, surprise! It is one of many ways the county pulls the wool over the eyes of taxpayers. Tell your friends our Channel is WeChopPropTaxes you can use the link here: https://www.youtube.com/user/WeChopPropTaxes/videos
Their are ton of reasons behind this business decision, including but not limited to; Chicago constantly raising minimum wage by $1, each and every year. The "minimum wage" workers in Chicago, like teenagers at McDonalds get $15.40 an hour. You won't get Professional Office Assistants for minimum wage. Plus 95% of job applicants are requesting a "work from home position", apparently no one wants to work in an office any more. On the healthcare side of things, we are a small office with thousands of customers. Like many companies we realized we don't really need an office. Before Covid, we had a customer come in coughing who gave ALL OF US pneumonia, closing us completely for 2 weeks.
Additionally, since the county now forces users to register on their website and receive a test email before uploading their appeal, the office is no longer as beneficial as it was in the past. We know this will likely bring dismay to our senior citizens and non-computer savvy customers. Our advice would be to let a teenager help you get your appeal done online, like most of our clients do. One customer told us his 8 year old followed our Appeal Package! Since property taxes are public record, we can work wherever there is internet. Please understand our phones get extremely busy near township Appeal Deadlines and around Tax Bill arrival and due dates.
1. If you were just dealt a CRAZY new Property Tax Value, just SIGN UP because if you don't FIGHT IT you ACCEPT IT. Remember we have a LOW, FLAT fee, your costs will NOT CHANGE whether we save you a $1,000 or $3,000!
2. Unless you prefer a phone call.
3. On deadline days we often get over 500 voicemails. We do not have the time to call them all back on the deadline day.
Don't take our word for it, see VIDEO TESTIMONIALS and take theirs! Many receive Property Tax Refund CHECKS! You will see one who took $5,000 back from the county! With us you keep 100% of all REDUCTIONS and REFUNDS! Our competition gouges you for 33-50% of BOTH.
Get ALERTED when Appeal Windows OPEN!
Get ARMED with EVIDENCE for your Appeal!
1 Year of Service $175 flat fee.
3 Years of Service $275 flat fee.
(Saves 40% Averages $75/Year)
Premium Service ADD-ON
so we can FILE FOR YOU just $99.
Robo Deadline Dialer ADD-ON calls 2 phone numbers so spouses can't blame each other when appeals get missed.
It saves a lot of butts for just $24.
UPDATE: Our Office On Foster is Closed to Public Due to the COVID19 Outbreak.
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed for "Family Day"
Farlap & Associates
Farlap & Associates is not a law firm. Nothing you see or purchase on this website should be considered legal advice. By making purchases on our website you agree to our Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to make changes to our website, procedures, services offered, terms and conditions as well as our pricing, at any time, without notice. We also have a no refund policy. Copyright © 2018 Farlap & Associates - All Rights Reserved. See our Privacy Policy.